Todays Image • A Bull In The Bush

A lone bull elephant in Kruger National Park. Kruger is the largest game reserve in Africa, covering an area of over 7,500 square miles. Park guides push the search for the “big five” (elephants, rhinos, lions, leopards and Cape buffalo) and, as hard as it seems to believe, elephants are everywhere. From large herds to solitary bulls, it isn’t unusual to have a dozen sightings in a single day.

I still can’t believe that I’m awake at this time of the morning

The most common herd of African elephants live in close-knit family groups led by a matriarch, the oldest and most experienced female along with a couple of generations of her daughters and grandchildren. These herds typically consist of 8-12 related females, their young, and often a adult male or two. While 12 elephants are common herds can go to two dozen elephants.

Solitary elephants are usually unattached males or bulls.

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