Composition In Photography

Composition Rules For Improving Your Photography I’ve spent most of my life in photography and long ago I learned a few things about composition. What turns an okay picture into something really good. When to follow the rules and when to break them but most of all how important it is to be aware ofContinue reading “Composition In Photography”

Legends Of Photography

And Their Photographs I’ve spent much of my life in photography including an education in photography, photographic science and bio-medical photography. Even before that I was exposed to photography through visiting exhibits like the Museum of Modern Art’s photographic exhibit “The Family of Man”* and working with my father in his darkroom. In the NavyContinue reading “Legends Of Photography”

Better Cellphone Photography

Phone Photography Tips Spend some time getting to know your cellphone’s photo app functions. Use The Photo App Options Most phone apps when opened start out in “photo auto” mode but there are additional options. They usually include features like “portrait” or “people” mode, “backlight” and “night scene” as a minimum. Each mode has aContinue reading “Better Cellphone Photography”

A Life In Photography

A very long time ago, before the dawn of the digital age, taking photographs was a costly exercise. Every click of the shutter had a cost involved including the roll of film, the lab processing and the production of prints. The other problem was you never knew if the picture would come out for aContinue reading “A Life In Photography”

My Favorite Photographers

And The Photographs They Took The walk to Paradise Garden, 1946 W. Eugene Smith W. Eugene Smith – I met Eugene in 1971 when he was invited to a roundtable on photography at my school. After the session we spent a couple of hours over drinks. One of his most famous photographs was “The walkContinue reading “My Favorite Photographers”

Improving Cell Phone Photography

Phone Photography Tips Spend some time getting to know your cellphone’s photo app functions. Most people know that to set the point of interest in a scene simply tap the screen at its location and the phone selects to set focus and exposure. Often a good choice but what if the lighting isn’t right orContinue reading “Improving Cell Phone Photography”

Photography and Using the Light

It’s All About The Light One of the biggest steps you can take to improve your outdoor photographs is to start seeing and paying attention to what the light is doing to the scene. Just as important as the subject of your picture is the light and how it adds (or subtracts) from the environment.Continue reading “Photography and Using the Light”

Composition And Photography

Composition Rules For Taking Better Photographs I’ve spent most of my life in photography and long ago I learned a few things about composition. What turns an okay picture into something really good. When to follow the rules and when to break them but most of all how important it is to be aware ofContinue reading “Composition And Photography”

Camera Controls In Photography

Exercising More Control When Taking Photographs When we approach a scene of interest to take a picture we look for what composition can be included in the frame and maybe what the lighting is doing to the scene. In most instances the camera is automatic and handles all the technical details. Those actions can bestContinue reading “Camera Controls In Photography”

On Photography

A very long time ago, before the dawn of the digital age, taking photographs was a costly exercise. Every click of the shutter had a cost involved including the roll of film, the lab processing and the production of prints. The other problem was you never knew if the picture would come out for aContinue reading “On Photography”