Todays Images • Maeklong Railway Market Thailand

The train approaches the Maeklong market

In Thailand the water market is famous with its vendors and shoppers in boats but perhaps more interesting is Maeklong’s railway market located next to the Maeklong station

One of Thailand’s famous water markets

The Maeklong market is a typical Asian market that sells everything from fruit and vegetables to fresh caught fish (stingrays and eels are very popular). The unique feature of this Thai open air market is that it operates right on the tracks of an active train line. The market is set up just outside the Maeklong train station and as the trains approach they slow down to a crawl to give the sellers time to move their wares off the track, pull back the awnings and withdraw the carts. As soon as the train passes it’s back to business as usual.

Enjoying a snack sitting on the train tracks

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