Todays Image • The Penguins Of Boulders Beach

The African penguin (Spheniscus demersus) is a species of penguin native to South Africa. It is also known by three other common names: Jackass penguin, cape penguin, and black-footed penguin. It is the only penguin species that breeds on the African mainland.

These African penguins form monogamous pairs, and mate for life and return each breeding season to the nest they used previously. Boulders Beach is one of the only two known sites where African penguins breed on land with all other breeding colonies being found on small offshore islands.

The harbor at Hout Bay

Boulders Beach is a popular destination from Cape Town with the main attraction being the penguins. The land around the beach is set aside as a refuge by the the South African National Parks (SANParks) who are responsible for managing the penguin nesting site at Boulders Bay. They are a government agency tasked with protecting and conserving South Africa’s national parks, including the Boulders Penguin Colony. The area is gated with an admission fee and includes a boardwalk for observing the colony.

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