Happy Easter • He Has Risen!

The featured image in this post is of the entrance to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. Inside this church is the shrine of the Holy Sepulchre (pictured at right) holding the tomb where Jesus’ body was laid after he was crucified. This church is widely considered the Holiest site in the ChristianContinue reading “Happy Easter • He Has Risen!”

Todays Image • Street Patrol Tel Aviv

In Israel Everyone Must Serve Traveling in Israel you see them everywhere. Mostly groups of five or six young people patrolling in uniform, carrying military rifles. The Israel Defense Force (IDF) is the military of Israel and is responsible for defending the country against external threats as well as maintaining internal security. All able bodiedContinue reading “Todays Image • Street Patrol Tel Aviv”

Selected Images • The Bahá’í Gardens

The garden pictured here are only two terraces of a total of nineteen in the Bahá’í Gardens in Haifa. These Gardens, located in the center of Haifa, are made up of a total of nineteen terraces extending all the way down the slope of Mount Carmel. The golden-domed Shrine of the Báb, the resting place of the Prophet-Herald of the Bahá’í Faith, standsContinue reading “Selected Images • The Bahá’í Gardens”

Visiting Israel’s Ports Of Call

Visiting The Cruise Ports Of Call In Israel There are 116 miles of Mediterranean coast in western Israel stretching from Lebanon in the north to the Gaza Strip in the south. The two major ports of call for cruise ships are Ashdod just north of Gaza and Haifa another 70 miles north. Ashdod is withinContinue reading “Visiting Israel’s Ports Of Call”

Israel’s Ports Of Call

Visiting The Cruise Ports Of Call In Israel There are 116 miles of Mediterranean coast in western Israel stretching from Lebanon in the north to the Gaza Strip in the south. The two major ports of call for cruise ships are Ashdod just north of Gaza and Haifa another 70 miles north. Ashdod is withinContinue reading “Israel’s Ports Of Call”

A Visit To The Holy Land Part 1 of 3

Jerusalem For what should be an insignificant piece of land sitting at a crossroads going from someplace to someplace else, this spot has historically been the center of a lot of attention. In planning for this trip we did a deep dive into the history of this city and for a five thousand year historyContinue reading “A Visit To The Holy Land Part 1 of 3”