A Day On Haleakalā

A Large Volcano on the Hawaiian’ Island of Maui If you are visiting Maui be sure and take the time for a morning visit to another world. Haleakalā offers a glimpse into a landscape that leaves the impression that you have visited Mars, with the bonus of spectacular vistas of the Pacific and the islandContinue reading “A Day On Haleakalā”

Photo Essay • Amsterdam’s Keukenhof

Images and impressions from our travels near and far… Each Spring Holland celebrates its famous tulips with an event called The Keukenhof. An opportunity for its tulip growers to show off their creations, The Keukenhof is virtually a Worlds Fair of tulips. Located outside Amsterdam amidst the growers tulip fields, The Keukenhof attracts visitors fromContinue reading “Photo Essay • Amsterdam’s Keukenhof”

Photo Essay The Acropolis In Athens

Photographic impressions from our travels near and far… The Athens Acropolis • Most people relate the Acropolis with Athens but an acropolis is actually a Greek word meaning a citadel or a fortified section of a Greek city. It is typically built on high ground or on a hill. Most Greek cities in the fifthContinue reading “Photo Essay The Acropolis In Athens”

Photo Essay • The Panama Canal

Photographic impressions from travels near and far… One of cruising’s great experiences is transiting the Panama Canal. Over one hundred years old the canal remains one of mans greatest engineering accomplishments. Coming into the canal ships are lifted eighty-five feet above sea level by a series of locks to Lake Gaton. After transiting the lakeContinue reading “Photo Essay • The Panama Canal”

Images Around Rome • Just Daydreaming

Photographic impressions from our travels… Rome, The Eternal City. By not traveling over the past year there’s a lot that we miss but especially we miss Rome. We feel there is no city anywhere that is as cosmopolitan or modern while still offering up thousands of years of history at almost every turn…

Images Around Sydney Australia

Photographic impressions from our travels… Australians living in Sydney are really lucky people. This beautiful city surrounds one of the world’s largest natural harbors while the area encompasses a number of world class beaches, the Blue Mountains a short train ride away and a fantastic waterfront that goes on for mile after mile. Sydney featuresContinue reading “Images Around Sydney Australia”

Images Around The Greek Islands

Photographic impressions from our travels… To the Southeast of the Greek mainland are the Greek islands of the Aegean that include Crete, Santorini, Mykonos, Rhodes and Cyprus. To call the Greek Isles magical is not an overstatement. Greece, while very much a part of mainland Europe, is actually more a country of islands. While aContinue reading “Images Around The Greek Islands”

Images Of Norway

Photographic impressions from our travels… The Viking spirit still lives in Norway from working the North Sea oil fields to sailing the world’s sea lanes. A truly ruggedly beautiful land. Norway – land of the Norsemen, Vikings, seafaring people that a thousand years ago explored the world, set-up trade routes and colonies from North America,Continue reading “Images Of Norway”

Images Of A Walk In A Botanical Garden

Photographic impressions from our travels… The garden is laid out as a walk on a woodland trail and features sitting areas, a natural stream and a lily pond. The Atlanta Botanical Garden in Gainesville is located about 50 miles northeast of Atlanta. It’s been developed over the last ten years and offers a concert seriesContinue reading “Images Of A Walk In A Botanical Garden”