Best Advice on Packing for a Cruise

Our Guide To Making A Cruise Packing List It can be difficult to know exactly what to bring on a cruise, making packing a challenge, especially for first-timers. When you’re out in the middle of the ocean, you can’t just run to the convenance store to pick up an item you forgot. Before you startContinue reading “Best Advice on Packing for a Cruise”

Clothes & Packing Ideas For Travel

The Right Clothes and the Right Gear Make all the Difference We’ve been doing a lot of traveling for around forty years and for the past couple of decades many of our trips can be as long as 30 days. Even on long trips people are amazed at how little luggage we have. Traveling lightContinue reading “Clothes & Packing Ideas For Travel”

A Few Money Saving Cruise Tips

Cruising is a great value for travel and more and more people are taking advantage of the cruising. There are however a few areas of unusual costs along with some opportunities to save… Carry A Bottle Of Wine Onboard Even with drink packages and those “drinks included” fares, this is still something that shouldn’t beContinue reading “A Few Money Saving Cruise Tips”

Emergency Travel Kits

We’re now getting back to traveling and we’re heading to Europe in just a few days, so it’s time to pull out our travel packs and take inventory. Our trips are usually from about two weeks to over a month and we always carry an emergency kit. Often the contents can seem trivial but experienceContinue reading “Emergency Travel Kits”

A Travel Medicine Cabinet

“Plan for the worst, hope for the best.” If you travel there is always going to come a time when you catch something. If you travel much internationally you are going to encounter times when buying over the counter meds in a foreign country can be a challenge and there are occasions when they’re justContinue reading “A Travel Medicine Cabinet”

Some Flying Health Advice

Keeping Safe While Flying Note: In the times of the Covid pandemic there is actually a bit of good news for air travelers. First, people are much more aware of the risks of contagion when flying and the airlines are taking more precautions. Also with all the emphasis on mask wearing you will no longerContinue reading “Some Flying Health Advice”

Useful Apps For International Travel

Ten Great Travel Apps You Should Consider Where would we be without our phones? Every day we use them to navigate, take photos, send and receive email, play music, surf the web and who knows what else. They’re cluttered with dozens and dozens of apps and often we cringe when some store, restaurant or bankContinue reading “Useful Apps For International Travel”

What’s In Your Wallet? Emergency ID?

A Small Price To Pay For Peace Of Mind If you travel, especially internationally, you really need to carry an Emergency Information ID Card. This handy series of ID cards provides space for emergency contact information, details on medications, allergies, medical conditions and doctors contact number. Oddly, none of that information is found on yourContinue reading “What’s In Your Wallet? Emergency ID?”

International Cell Phone Service 2022

Keeping up with options for cellular international calling requires constant attention to services and available plan options. U.S. based cell service is usually a costly option when traveling outside of America and, from experience, we’ve found it is often not the most reliable option*. Before you leave on a trip, contact your carrier to findContinue reading “International Cell Phone Service 2022”

Houseplant Care For Extended Traveling

If you have indoor houseplants, they require care when you are away and extended trips can take a toll on houseplants. Unlike cats and dogs, there is no kennel where you can take your houseplants and pay for someone to make sure they get the light and water they need. If you have good neighbors,Continue reading “Houseplant Care For Extended Traveling”